Friends News - January 2024
Hello All,
I write to all our Friends of All Saints to wish you a Happy and Healthy 2024, to recap over 2023
a little and to introduce 2024 events.
You will find the programme of speakers for 2024 on this website; how fortunate we are to have such a
talented and willing pool of Speakers within our midst. I am most humbled and grateful to each of
them for accepting the invitation to speak to us and hope that you find the programme as varied and
interesting as I do. The only outsider is the gentleman, Ian Tomlinson who deferred last year, but
other than that, everyone has some connection with the village or the RAF.
Also included in the list are the fundraising events currently planned for next year. The leader of these
in terms of financial potential has to be the plant stall. We are so fortunate in having many
visitors through the village either walking or visiting Beningbrough Hall who seem to buy anything
that is in flower. As some of you know I am not a gardener, but have become adept at lifting rogue
self-planted plants from my patch and sticking them in a pot to sell. To further maximise returns –
we made just short of £2,000 last year – we do need additional support from plant growers or those,
like me, who will take what nature has provided. I am so grateful to those of you who have provided
plants to sell, but additionally, if we have any gardeners within the village who will take it upon
themselves to grow some too, that will be such a boost for 2024.
Some of you who attended the drama of Dickens Christmas Carol production and stayed for the
supper I know enjoyed the event, and indeed the noise levels at one point were so loud I suspect
most of the village heard too. We seated 59 people; it would have been difficult to squash in
another body. We hope to repeat this event next December, a huge amount of work, but worth it.
I know I have mentioned it before, but we are so lucky in this village in that people from different
quarters, and with their own skill set, appear as if by magic to help at our various events, particularly
in the setting up and taking down – the plant stall with the tables and gazebos, the plant advice
given – the quilt and needlecraft festival with the bunting and collecting and putting up the quilt
frames, the hanging of needlecraft and then decorating the church which was simply magnificent –
and the Parish Hall already so brilliantly and appropriately decorated, in working out the
combination of seating for the December supper … I cannot thank you enough, your assistance – and
in some cases leadership and control - is so much appreciated. Thank you. I must not forget the cake
bakers and general helpers without whom these events would fail. Again I reflect on the generosity
of our wonderful community.
As some of you will realise 2024 is the time to renew your membership of the Friends. The Fee for
the year is £20 per person, representing excellent value at a cost of less than £2.25 per evening. For
attendance at individual meetings for non-members, the cost has been reduced to £5 per meeting.
A glass of wine of course is an additional cost, but very reasonable, held at £4 per glass. I attach a
membership application form for those wishing to sign up for the year and do hope you will continue
your support and perhaps encourage neighbours and friends to attend too.
Lastly, I know I bang on about it, but please take note and try to use the web
site when buying things … currently twenty-two of us use this site when buying on line and have so
far raised over £400 at a cost of not a penny to ourselves … we could do so much more if you will
join in too. I use Waterstones for my books as they donate more than Amazon, and Viking for my
stationery. Remember to begin by signing up to All Saints Church, Newton on Ouse as your charity.
With my very best wishes to you all
Marion Blacker, Friends of All Saints Church
Friends of All Saints Church Committee
Marion Blacker, Stephanie Howe & Sheila Ritchie
Bank Details for those wishing to subscribe to The Friends £15 pp:
Account Name: Newton on Ouse Parochial Church Council
Sort Code (Barclays Bank 20 98 98
Account Number: 53285138
Ref: Friends sub