Friends of All Saints

Programme of Speakers & Fundraising Events 2025

All events will be held at All Saints Church on a Thursday evening 

commencing at 7 pm, unless otherwise stated.

Our next event will be:

Thursday, 6th February

Lynne Dawson

Opera Singer and Head of School of Vocal Studies and Opera at the Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester

Lynne was born locally, and was a classical singer, singing all over the world for 35 years, in opera, and concerts and making many recordings. She then swapped hats and took up her current post training young singers at the Royal Northern College of Music.

Her talk will give some idea of the life of a freelance classical musician, and how the next generation is being trained.

Coming next...

 Tuesday, 11th February

Bridge & Lunch Fundraiser

Helperby Village Hall

Thursday, 6th March

Mary Murray


Mary will talk about her nineteen years (1989 to 2008) as Private Secretary to three Archbishops of York  -  John Habgood, David Hope and John Sentamu.  

This includes some background on Archbishops in the Church of England, her developing role at Bishopsthorpe Palace and Bishopthorpe Palace itself, the people she worked with and met as well as stories about each Archbishop.

Thursday, 3rd April

Jeff Coates

North Yorkshire Rotters


Jeff, the Volunteer Co-ordinator for North Yorkshire Rotters, will give us a talk about composting with helpful information for the gardeners in our midst.  

If you wish to know more about successful composting and receive tips and wisdom do come along. 

A timely talk for the year ahead when material should be available to compost.

Thursday, 1st May

Andy Dalton


Andy will talk about modern art and St Ives, Cornwall where he was assistant curator at Tate St Ives and specialist in the paintings of Peter Lanyon. 


Over the course of nine years, Andy was involved in many exhibitions, exploring the history of the artists associated with the Cornish coastal town … Barbara Hepworth, Ben Nicholson, Terry Frost and others.  Tate St Ives also showed a number of contemporary artists who traced the influence that a generation of modern British artists had nationally and internationally during the 20th century.

Sunday, 18th May

Plant Stall

Newton on Ouse Village Green & Parish Hall


10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Thursday, 5th June

Andrew Morrison 

York Civic Trust


York is at a turning point. 

York Central, the adoption of York’s Local Plan, will see a number of strategic developments come forward for planning permission and individual developments like the Coney Street Riverside Project represent the biggest changes for York in over 40 years. 

Andrew Morrison, Chief Executive of York Civic Trust will talk through York’s major developments that are in the pipeline or already on the drawing board and how these may affect living, visiting and working in the city. 

Thursday, 3rd July

Dr Nick Wilson

Roman Historian

In 2007, a Roman period lead-lined coffin was discovered at Hundayfield Farm, Grafton. 

This discovery led to a large-scale landscape and geophysical survey of the surrounding area, prior to a 12 month programme of excavation. 

In this talk, Dr Nick Wilson will discuss the results of his research which looked at how the nearby Roman period settlement of Isurium Brigantum (Aldborough) influenced both the organisation of the landscape and the social changes which occurred there.

August and September - Summer Break

Thursday, 2nd October

Liz Cole

Georgian York


After the depression and destruction of the Reformation the wealthy landed gentry of 18th Century Yorkshire remodelled York turning the city away from its Medieval past and into a modern metropolis rich with Neo-Classical buildings and high society.

Thursday, 6th November

David Keats

Raptures of the Deep – A life working underwater


David will speak about his career as a welder-diver/welding engineer. How he became a diver working offshore and some lifetime achievements. 

Thursday, 4th December

Chris Cade

Actor & Storyteller


Chris Cade visits us again, presenting his one man adaptation of 'What the Dickens?' a story of 1st and 3rd class Victorian Railway Journeys with insights into some of Charles Dickens own experiences and the odd Christmas reference


To be followed by supper in the Parish Hall.  

Numbers this year for supper are being limited so please purchase your tickets early if you wish to attend - £20 adult, £10 children 16 and under;

 attendance for Chris Cade's performance only is free to members.

Please revisit this page regularly for any updates or changes to the advertised programme.